General, hair

Hair, Hair, Hair

One of the first things I want to talk about manifesting is my hair. Let’s start with a little backstory. I was an adorable young baby with those cute little Gerber baby type curls. Then, I became a child with what I would have assumed was straight hair. I had always wanted curls but alas, I was convinced I was not blessed with them.

As an adult, I decided there was probably a way to get curls out of my hair. I knew that I had this kind of wave in my hair and the hair at the nape of my neck was curly. If that was curly, couldn’t I get curls? Maybe not the ringlets my brother had in high school but something, right? BTW it was so not fair that my brother had ringlets to his waste! I have never been able to get my hair that long, let alone with the curls!

I heard about the Curly Hair Girl program so I got the book. I was so excited to find out that I actually qualified as a wavy girl! That was not straight!!! For a few years now, I have been working on my waves. I don’t like product in my hair and I don’t do the don’t brush it bit, for one, I beg my kids to play with my hair. It feels so good to have someone play with my hair.

Anyway, I have a decent wave but I have a dream. I want to manifest “butt-length” hair. That’s what I said in my proclamation. I also want my curls to be “a bit more than a wave” and with some thickness. Right now, the longest layer is at my bra line. I think it’s funny because I don’t even consider my hair long. I think it’s because my shorter layers are only shoulder length.

One more bit about my hair. I have some pretty snazzy grey roots going on. I’m currently focusing on a way to get the dye out of my hair so it can grow out naturally without me having to cut it a bunch.

I was so excited because as I was searching for a way to dedye my hair (yes I made that word up) I found a forum for people who have and/or want long hair! I was so excited and I feel like that is a sign that my manifesting is working! Yay!

I thought I’d share a pic of the current length and a little of the terms they use in the forum. I’m also including a pic to show what the waves look like. The way to get this “look” was to wash my hair and let it air dry. I was not supposed to touch it, I could detangle while it was wet and then I had to let it go. This is to get a starting place for my hair. Do you know how hard it is to take a pic of your own hair?

So, the length is “bsl” meaning bra-strap length. I would love to actually get it long enough to call it waist length! Honestly, I’ve gotten bits of it pretty close but they are so thin because of the layers. I actually just took off about 1.5″ to thicken up what people on the forum call the hemline. The length of my roots is about 2 inches. Shortest layer is just above my shoulders.

They have this number letter thing to describe the type of curls. 1a are stick straight and the 4s are super tight curls. I think I have a 2b or 2c thing going on. 2b is shorter, more distinct S-waves (similar to waves from braiding damp hair) and 2c is distinct S-waves and the odd spiral curl forming here and there. My dream is 3a big, loose spiral curls without effort like that’s just how it dries or even a 3b bouncy ringlets. I’d be ok if it took product and effort to get ringlets for special occasions. 🙂

According to their guidelines, my hair strands are fine to medium. The grey hair is thicker, go figure. Greys are known for doing their own thing. 😉 The overall volume is most definitely thin represented by an i in their forum. I’d like it to be average (ii).

I’m excited to see where things go over the next year. It’ll be fun to document it. One of my first action steps is to get some vitamin c tablets to crush up and see if they’ll pull some of the dye off my hair. Another is to look around in the forum for ideas to either get my hair a little more curly or get it to grow faster. 🙂

I’ll keep you posted!


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